Get cluster details

This will display an unmodifiable form with the following information:

kubernetes environment form
  • Plan Name: The name of the plan you chose at provisioning.
  • Name: The name of your cluster (its FQDN).
  • Hostname: The hostname of your cluster (its FQDN).
  • Failure Domains: The 3 datacenters used for the HA setup. Master and workers are distributed across the 3 locations. The same information is available in the environment details.
  • Foundation: Named after Swiss rivers, it represents the production stack where your kubernetes clusters are running. It will be used to communicate maintenance windows and new kubernetes version releases for example. Please specify it if creating a support ticket.
  • Worker Node Count: The current count of worker nodes in your cluster.
  • Worker Node Pools: List of all the pools defined (under Worker Node Pool section).
  • Customer Firewall & State: The current status and details of the firewall settings you configured.
  • Load Balancer Size: The size of the loadbalancing instance used.
  • API Server IP: The IP of the API for this cluster, running on port 8443.
  • Insecure Registries: List of all insecure registries if defined.
  • Kubernetes Version: The version of Kubernetes this cluster is running.
  • TKGI Version: The version of the TKGi platform currently deployed.
  • Associated Datastores: The datastores provisioned for the cluster.
  • Cluster Storage Policy: Policy ID used for the datastores.
  • Parent Reference: The id of the Kubernetes Environment you chose as parent.
  • Last Action & state: The last action type executed and its state.
  • Last Action description: User-friendly description of the last operation state.

You will also find additional information in the Advanced section:

  • Id: Internal id of the cluster, please specify it if creating a support ticket, this is not otherwise relevant to Kubernetes usage.
  • Plan id: The id of the plan you chose at provisioning.
  • Service id: The id of the service type.
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